Military Grants, Awards & Financial Aid

你知道军队成员和参加后备军官训练队的人有权享受独家福利吗, including eligibility for state and federal aid? 除了通过FAFSA申请联邦援助, k8彩乐园app官网下载强烈建议您考虑通过以下来源申请额外的经济援助. 提供了逐步的应用说明.


The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. 2020年退伍军人医疗保健和福利改善法案 要求教育机构向使用联邦军队和/或退伍军人教育福利的学生披露某些信息. 要查看和打印估计的个性化费用的副本,您可以访问 AU Net Price Calculator. 更多的财务信息可在 NCES College Navigator site.

一旦学生提交了FAFSA,纽约大学奖学金信息表将提供更深入的分析和准确的学生费用情况, completed an admissions application, and has been accepted by Alfred University. 这份奖项表可以在BannerWeb的“经济援助”标签下找到.

GI Bill Application


GI Bill Eligibility Information

Post-9/11 GI Bill (Chapter 33)

Montgomery GI Bill Active Duty (Chapter 30)



VA Vocational Rehabilitation (Chapter 31)

GI Bill Calculator

*如需在地理标志申请过程中获得帮助,请 email our Military & Academic Coach.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website.


Air Force


Marine Corps

Coast Guard

New York National Guard

*在导航学费援助过程中的帮助,请 email our Military & Academic Coach.

The VA has launched the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship 为学生提供高要求STEM(科学)培训计划, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields. 罗杰斯STEM奖学金将提供9/11后最多9个月的额外福利(最高30美元),向正在攻读本科STEM学位或已获得STEM学位并正在寻求教师证书的合格退伍军人和Fry学者开放.

VALOR学者奖授予最高1美元的奖金,以表彰退伍军人及其在领导机会和韧性方面的进步,000 toward books and supplies, tuition or housing. VALOR学者奖是为k8彩乐园app官网下载在心理学领域的学生设立的, counseling and mentoring. 所有美国退伍军人都将被鼓励根据经济需求和领导潜力申请该奖项.

For more information on how to apply, please email our Military & Academic Coach.

如何申请RIRP, NYS VTA奖和GI法案®


  • Fall Semester: August 15
  • Spring Semester: December 15
  1. Go to the RIRP application website
  2. 阅读网站页面,了解资格和要求
  3. 填写RIRP申请表格(MOU及DMNA表格96-1)
  4. 完成FAFSA并获得学生资助报告
  5. 完成TAP并获得TAP奖认证
  6. 你需要学院/大学的录取通知书
  7. Email 所有4份文件交给教育服务代表
    1. RIRP Application (MOU & DMNA Form 96-1)
    2. FAFSA Student Aid Report
    3. NY State TAP Award Certification
    4. College/ University Acceptance Letter

Note: You will need Tax information. Note: Do not fill out anything below your signature.

FAFSA: Student Aid Report instructions

  1. Go to the FAFSA website
  2. Log into FAFSA
  3. Scroll down to “You Can Also”
  4. Select: “Print Student Aid Report”
  5. 选择“查看学生资助报告(PDF)”并将其保存到您的计算机

NY State Tap Award Instructions

  1. Go to the HESC website
  2. Go to “review my NYS Finical Aid Information”
  3. Log in to your account
  4. 在“学费资助计划”旁边选择“详细信息”
  5. Screen shot or save page! 您将需要在“纽约州学费援助计划”下列出的信息。
  1. Go to the HESC website
  2. Read the eligibility requirements
  3. See “How to Apply”
    1. Must have completed FAFSA and TAP
    2. Complete the VTA application
  4. Complete Applicant Information
    1. 如果你在夏季学期或冬季学期(艾伦学期)不上学,请填写N/A
  5. 完成申请后,请按指示邮寄所需文件. (Will need a DD214). Keep a copy for your records.
  1. Go to the GI Bill website
  2. Press “apply online”
  3. Press “Find your education benefits form”
    1. Using for the first time will be Form 1990
    2. 更新您的信息为另一个学位将是表格1995
  4. Answer 4 questions
  5. Press “Apply now”
  6. Press “Start you application without singing in”
  7. Fill out application
  8. Choose your benefit! 注意:如果您有资格获得多个福利,您将放弃一个福利.
  9. Take picture of final screen of confirmation

School information:

Alfred University
1 Saxon Drive, Alfred NY 14802

**完成后,您将收到资格证书(COE)。 哪些需要纳入财政援助.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website.


Army ROTC Scholarships are competitive, 每学期颁发给参加后备军官训练队项目的优秀学生. ROTC奖学金提供大学学费和强制性教育费用的全额经济援助,或者你可以获得10美元,000 towards room and board. Additionally, 奖学金获得者可获得最多10个月的免税生活津贴,每月420美元,每年1200美元的教科书费, classroom supplies, and equipment. 获得奖学金资格的第一步是在下面申请. 步骤说明可在“如何操作”中找到."

Army ROTC Scholarships are competitive, 那些希望在大学毕业后成为陆军军官的有竞争力的学生所获得的基于成绩的奖励. ROTC奖学金为大学学费和强制性教育费用提供全额经济援助 or 是否可用于支付每学年$10,000的食宿费. Additionally, 奖学金获得者可获得最多10个月的免税生活津贴,每月420美元,每年1200美元的教科书费, classroom supplies and equipment. Students that qualify are eligible for 2, 2.5 or 3 year scholarships.

For more information, please email our Military & Academic Coach.

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